Dear My Bravest Woman

Dear Bangkit Indriyana,

Thank you. For being brave to move out of your comfort zone. Thank you for letting me taste the joy of being a fulltime mother. I have enjoyed this five years thanks to you, each and every seconds of it. I have no regret and now I can see my child grows up well.

I know it was hard when you decided to give up your career.  It was the job you dreaming of and al what you need was honestly there with your job. But you gave it up for me. For me. You gave it up so I could enjoy the miracle of being a mother, you gave it up so I could enjoy being myself.

I just want you to know that your decision was playing a huge role in my happiness. So I hope you can smile now and stop the tears and the dramas. Everything is going to be okay if only you know now.

For the bravest woman I’ve ever knew. Myself, 5 years ago.

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